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Coretan Suara
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
My Changing Ways
Since I finished my school days, I realized how I miss those moments. Not a single day passed without me reminiscing the memories that I have made during that time. Those little cliches such as sleeping in class, pulling pranks and of course, the sweet relief I felt when the school bell rang for the last time. Since my school days ended, I am somewhat clueless. The routine I had done for as long as I can remember has ended. I rarely woke up early anymore, I eat breakfast during lunch and watching tv and on-9-ing(not a word) back and forth; until just recently, I found a job. Sure it's not as fancy as I hoped it would be. What do I expect? I don't even have an SPM slip yet. But having a job teaches me something new. Something that the teachers never said in class; something that can't be learned by flipping those textbooks. I have finally trained myself to face everyday with a smile, along the way, building self-belief and confidence. I realized now that i'm already 18, and I have made an oath to be more than what I can be. Don't give up, never lose hope. This is my changing ways.