Coretan Seorang (Aku)


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Coretan Suara
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Why Does it Always Rain on (me)?
Everyday, there's no guarantee that we can put a smiley face. sometimes, the need to be happy is just a mere illusion; a fragmentation of a foolish man's dream. the meaning of rain differ to everybody. for me? I take rain as a sign of sadness. it's as if the sky had lost its will to live, and cried because it realize that dreams are meant to be craved, not to be fulfilled. even the clear blue sky have its fair share of cloudy mornings. as a mere human, I am drawn to (dreams) because well, everybody deserve to dream. it is the sole purpose for my life at the moment. but every time I tried to catch a glimpse of the endless beauty of the sky, the rain poured down without hesitation. I was dejected because I was never given a chance to dance under the sky. everyday I see people I don't know enjoying themselves under it without a care for the world. can't say that I wasn't jealous, but I just have to face the fact that the world doesn't seem to take a liking on me. sometimes I think that I'm the only one in this world who knows the true meaning of sadness portrayed by the rain. but then again, I'm used to it. oh (rain), can you hear me? can you stop pouring for a moment so I can know the true meaning of happiness? (please).
